- Offensive and defensive Cyber Solutions.
- Information Assurance throug Vulnerability/Compliance Scan.
- Cybersecurity through Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG).
- Network analysis, design and deployment (classified, unclassified networks).
- Smart Grid and Cyber Range modeling and analyses.
- Extensive Airborne / UAV RF Systems Engineering.
- Experience with TSO / FAA requirements.
- Special Operations RF / Communications platforms.
- CONUS and OCONUS Platform support.
- Military and commercial airborne systems engineering.
- Tier-1 SOCOM training classes developed and taught
- Signal Analysis, Antenna and RF concealments, basic electronics.
- Test and training simulation, documentation and planning.
- Technology market trades, analyses, test and evaluation.
- CONUS/OCONUS Field Service Representative (FSR) services.
- Custom antenna development from 2MHz – 6GHz.
- Multi-platform (Air/Land/Shipboard) design.
- Antenna / transceiver co-site analyses.
- Tactical QRC prototype antennas.
- SOCOM/IC expertise.
- Tactical SIGINT expertise across Airborne, Maritime and Ground platforms.
- Subject Matter Expertise (SME) services to Army Intel, SOCOM, and IC.
- Classified systems-level design of platform “Kit” and associated networked data flow.
- Technology roadmap development for the dismounted MI/CEMA soldier.
- Interagency (IC) technology development for D0D tactical solutions.
- Certified Program Management support.
- Agile and Waterfall development expertise.
- Project Management.
- Systems Engineering Planning.
- Documentation development and support.
- Applied Research and Development Services.
- Past performance within all 000 Research Labs.
- Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) applied research.
- Ongoing CRADA with NSA. Multiple patents and technical publications.
- R&D roadmaping, technology insertion and management.
- Specialty transceiver digital signal processing (C, C++, HDL).
- RF embedded systems design.
- Analog front-end, digitizer solutions in GPP and FPGA.
- Satellite communications, active and passive solutions.
- User Interface (GUI) and tactical embedded solutions.
- Classified technology and QRC product development. Covert/Clandestine product and system support.
- Technical surveillance countermeasure (TSCM).
- Concealments / Hostile Forces Tagging / Tracking / Locating (HF-TTL).
- SME support to SOCOM/JSOC/IC.